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Theophile Gautier
Friday, June 20, 2014
A Visual Ethnography of the World’s Last Living Nomads
From Morocco to Mongolia, or what we can learn about climate change from Inuit whale hunters.
What is it about Dutch photographers that makes them so visually eloquent at capturing the humancondition? From Jeroen Toirkens comes Nomad
— a fascinating and strikingly beautiful visual anthropology of the
Northern Hemisphere’s last living nomadic peoples, from Greenland to
Turkey. A decade in the making, this multi-continent journey unfolds in
150 black-and-white and full-color photos that reveal what feels like an
alternate reality of a life often harsh, sometimes poetic, devoid of
many of our modern luxuries and basic givens, from shiny digital gadgets
to a permanent roof over one’s head.
Since the beginning of time, nomadic people have roamed
the earth. Looking for food, feeding their cattle. Looking for an
existence, freedom. Living in the wild, mountains, deserts, on tundra
and ice. With only a thin layer of tent between them and nature. Earth
in the 21st century is a crowded place, roads and cities are everywhere.
Yet somehow, these people hold on to traditions that go back to the
very beginning of human civilization.” ~ Jelle Brandt Corstius
Zuun Taiga, Mongolia, 2007
Tiniteqilaaq, Greenland, 2009
Altai Mountains, Russia, 2006
Tiniteqilaaq, Greenland, 2009
Nuuk, Greenland, 2009
Zuun Taiga, Mongolia, 2007
Zuun Taiga, Mongolia, 2007
Arghangai Aimag, Mongolia, 2007
Gobi Desert, Mongolia, 2007
Gobi Desert, Mongolia, 2007
Gobi Desert, Mongolia, 2007
Kola Sami, Russia, 2006
Nenets, Russia, 2005
Baruun Taiga, Mongolia, 2004
Kazakh, Altai Mountains, Russia, 2004
Berbers, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, 2002
Kirgiz, Kyrgystan, 2000
Yörük, Bolkar Mountains, Turkey, 1999
Sami, Karesuvanto, Finland, 2001
Kola Sami, Russia, 2006
This video of what the “Eskimo” life really means, made in the
settlement Tiniteqilaaq hunters, will give you a taste for the project’s
breathtaking mesmerism:
Oost Groenland, Sermilik Fjord
Because of climate change, we can see and feel winter
days get colder and the sea, it’s warmer. And, because of that, it’s
more difficult to hunt in the winters.”
A stunning exercise in perspective-shifting, Nomad
invites you to see the world — our world, and yet a world that feels
eerily other — with new eyes, embracing it with equal parts fascination
and profound human empathy.